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Faberge Spider Brooch

Faberge Brooch? Let me guess, you were watching Pawn Stars and could not believe when the lady came in with that diamond and platinum encrusted faberge brooch and only wanted $2k and ended up getting $15k? Well like me, you probably went around searching for a price to this bad boy. So, how much is the faberge spider brooch from pawn stars worth? Well I have found it, It turns out the faberge spider brooch is worth an estimated $80k! Thats right $80,000 for the faberge spider Rick paid $15,000 for.

Not a bad day for the silver and gold pawn shop. Rick, the Pawn Stars champ, hit a home run with the faberge brooch.  These are pictures of the Faberge Spider Brooch from the Pawn Stars episode.

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Faberge Spider Brooch Authenticity

Update: There are questions to the Faberge Spider Brooch’s authenticity, is it fake or not?.  Well Faberge has made an official statement to “Time” Magazine stating Faberge believes the Faberge Spider Brooch is NOT a true Faberge.  That it goes against the Faberge jewelry they are known for, and the episode does not show any clear Faberge marking besides the box.  However, the official Faberge records were stolen are are missing since 1917. What do you think, is the Faberge Spider Brooch real? What is the Faberge Spider Brooch Value?

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