Chipotle, the restaurant with customization written all over it and the wonderful employees who create it for you. Our single, hands-down favorite from the Chipotle secret menu is the Quesarito. This beast is made with two tortillas that sandwich a heaping amount of cheese and then grilled in the warmer. This creates a quesadilla, which is then used as the shell to hold all of your regular burrito fillings. To call the quesarito delicious is an understatement, you must try it yourself to truly understand the tastes this thing creates. Each bite trails with gooey cheese covering the delicious meat on the inside.
Jamba Juice creates some of the best smoothies around, and always provides a huge menu to order from. However, the menu is too small for the secret-menu cravers like you out there. For instance, the Dirty Orgasm is a quite popular drink that couldn’t be placed on the official menu (for obvious reasons). This drink combines flavors of Peach, Pineapple, Orange and Strawberries. Check HackTheMenu’s recipe for complete details.
In-n-Out might be the originator of this craze. With a crazy cult following and taste to back it up, this place has been dishing out secret menu items for years. An all-time great is making the items “animal style,” such as In-n-Out’s Animal Style Fries. These are beautiful fries covered in melted cheese, secret spread and grilled onions. A serious taste with a serious mess.
Taco Bel is all over the place, yet nobody seems to know about their secret menu. They have the delectable Cheesarito, a Chili Cheese Burrito and most importantly, the Double Grilled Quesadilla. The normal quesadilla is awesome, gooey and crunchy…yet missing a little bit of a crunch. This secret menu hack fixes the problem, as Taco Bell will allow you to have this grilled for twice as long.
There you have it, a full secret menu guide at your fingertips. When I first began my secret menu hunting, I was nervous as to the employee not understanding what I had ordered. So I made sure to do my research and sites like HackTheMenu make it so easy with step-by-step guides on what to say and the “secret” behind the item. Once I got past the initial nervousness I made my first order and it went as smooth as could be. It was at Chipotle, she heard my Quesarito and immediately yelled “need some cheese for a quesarito.” I couldn’t have been more happy as I saw my cheesy and delicious order being made while everyone else in line was wondering how I got such an awesome hack. So now it is your chance, read the site, be prepared, and hack away!
This is a guest post coming from, a shelf life and storage information resource!
“Recently, a few of our readers at have contacted us wondering how long to boil eggs and how to make hard boiled eggs. The rising interest in how long to boil eggs come from users who have too many fresh eggs reaching their expiration date, and in an attempt to salvage them decided to extend the shelf life of eggs (How long do eggs last? – Typically 3-5 weeks beyond the sell-by-date) and make hard boiled eggs! We think this is a great idea and as we stated in our post of how long do hard boiled eggs last, once boiled, the eggs last for another 7 days. However, if your goal is to extend the shelf life of fresh eggs, please remember not make hard boiled eggs until they have almost expired. This is due to the process of making hard boiled eggs, which washes away the synthetic coating placed on the egg by manufacturers in order to keep air and bacteria out, explained in our how long do hard boiled eggs last post.
As it turns out, the answer to how long to boil eggs is actually quite simple, the perfect time is 10 minutes to make the perfect hard boiled egg! In this post we have created step-by-step instructions for you to make hard boiled eggs. So please, follow these steps and learn our process on how long to boil eggs.
Instructions – How to make Hard Boiled Eggs!
1. Place clean fresh eggs in a pan. (It’s best to have eggs fill the bottom of the pan in a single layer, so if you are only boiling a few eggs, use a small pan.)
2. Add COLD water to the pan to until it covers the eggs.
3. Place the pan on medium-high heat until the water bubbles everywhere on the surface.
4. Reduce the heat to medium and continue to boil gently for 10 minutes
5. Rinse the eggs with PLENTY of COLD water while being careful to keep the eggs in the pan.
6. Place the eggs in the fridge to cool (you can keep the eggs in same pan, but be sure all the water has been removed).
7. When cooled, peel the shells from the hard boiled eggs (gently roll the hard boiled eggs between your palm and the counter to loosen the shell first). Rinse the peeled hard boiled eggs if any shell particles remain.
So remember, How long to boil eggs? – 10 Minutes!
For more information and answers to How long food really lasts, BEYOND their Printed Dates (Sell by date, best before date, use by date, eat by date) visit Questions such as How long does pizza last, How long do spices last, How long do apples last, How long are eggs good for, How long does bacon last, How long do oreos last, please visit Eat By Date for the best shelf life and storage information! Or visit our Blog at Eat By Date!”
]]>On Thurs, Sept 8th at 8:30 pm Nike released the Nike Air Mag, the replica shoe Michael J. Fox wore in Back to The Future II as Marty McFly. Unfortunately the shoe only appears to be a perfect replica, it does not have the all important self lacing feature. However, the Nike air Mag does light up the Nike logo and on the bottom, allowing a battery life of four hours. Nike is auctining off these limited edition Back to the Future shoes exclusively on eBay. They are only releasing a grand total of 1,500 Nike air mags back to the future shoe and auctioning 150 pairs a day. Purchase the Nike Air Mag’s on eBay HERE
What is great about this is that Nike is donating all proceeds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation fo Parkinson’s Research, which intentionally coincides with the philanthropic agreement Google founder Sergey Brin made to match all donations to this charity up to $50 million for the year. So make sure to visit eBay and purchase the Back to The Future Nike Air Mag shoe to help them find a cure!
]]>The official site of horsemanning can be found at
Horsemanning (misspelt as horsemaning) gets its name and theme from The Headless Horsemen, the evil character from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. The object of “Horsemanning” is to make it appear that your head is laying next to you, detached from your body like the headless horseman. Horsemanning requires two individuals, one laying with their head back and hidden while the other individual hides everything except for their head. The effect of horsemanning is brilliant and creates an illusion much funnier than simply planking. Also, while planking is a solo game, Horsemanning encourages social interaction by requiring a partner. Does this help the “forever alone” redditor? Try your own Horsemaning!
The Original Horsemanning
The Mustache Horsemanning
The Construction Horsemanning
The Transgender Horsemanning
There is much confusion with the name “Horsemaning” and “Horsemanning”, however the recent push is for “Horsemanning”. I am on the side of Horsemanning, with two N’s and NOT with Horsemaning.
There is also a website at, set up to collect all of your horsemanning pictures
Lets see your examples of horsemanning!
Upload your own pictures at the Facebook Page
For the best shelf life and food storage information, visit Eat By Date. It has the all the tips on how long does food last, like shelf life of eggs!
Imgur: Scumbag Steve
According to he popular image uploading website (ranked #115 in the World) is more popular than the site it was created to help, (ranked at #134 in the World). Imgur, as Wikipedia states: is an online image hoster was created by Alan Schaaf in 2010. Schaaf was a Redditor himself who saw the need for such a site. It was “created as a response to the usability problems encountered in similar services” and rose to popularity on Reddit and Digg. While has been servicing the internet since 2005 as “a social news website, owned by Condé Nast Digital, a subsidiary of Advance Magazine Publishers Inc. Users have the option to submit links to content on the Internet or submit “self” posts that contain original, user-submitted text.” It is the news before the news.
So although it is not too terribly surprising that Imgur, a site created to help Reddit 5 years after it launched is now more popular than the parent itself, it is still an interesting fact. I guess too many Redditors are submitting their material and Scumbag Steve Meme’s to Imgur without anybody noticing.
Many ask the question, what is a meme? The Definition of a Meme is generally referred to as an on-going joke, emanating from one source, such as a funny picture. People then create captions or a new joke upon the same general joke and it becomes a Meme. Other phrases people use in relation to “Memes” are “Lulz” “LoL”. Please refer to my List of Memes page to see some of the funniest memes on the internet.
An example of the Definition of a Meme is a general idea or behavior that is passed through society in relation to one typical joke. For example the “Philosoraptor.” This is a play on the “Velociraptor” and a “Philosopher”, notice how his claw is to his chin as he is in deep thought? So people begin to pose many questions with the “Philosoraptor” in the background, as he is thinking these intense philosophical questions.
Popular places where memes arise come from Reddit and 4chan. These websites are large communities which house numerous memes every day and create content continuously. It is often an argument who created which meme, but in the end it does not really matter because they are funny either way. Please post a reply if you have any questions or suggestions on the definition of a meme.
Further Definition, on What is a meme!
What is an Internet meme? An internet meme is an original thought that is spread throughout the internet and popular culture. Still do not know what a meme is, and are asking What is a meme? To explain a meme simpler, A meme is an original thought or idea can take the shape of a gif, picture, link, website, hashtag, video or even just a word or phrase such as purposefully misspelling the word “Sauce” as “Saaauuuuuccee”. A meme can be spread from person to person through social networking sites such as facebook, blogs, websites such as Reddit or 4chan, directly through emails, news sources or any other form of communication on the internet where memes can travel. A meme can be made into anything, anyone can build on a meme and take the meme even further into the meme-o-sphere.
An Internet meme can be copied and stay generally the same or it can change form and shape over time, often through intentional or unintentional comments made about the funny internet meme, copies, or through inserting real social or political accounts into the meme itself. Such as the “Philosoraptor” meme, the Philosoraptor meme often thinks about heavy political moves, such as the iraq war. The reason many people ask, What is a meme? Is because Memes travel VERY fast. Through the use of youtube and internet memes spread like wildfire and memes become viral instantly. Often times memes are shared by the entire world in just a few short days and then the meme reaches max popularity and the meme vanishes as people lose interest. A meme is somewhat like an inside joke that has suddenly become public and then the meme not so funny any more. Another example of a meme is the one below, the Christopher Walken Meme. Notice how his name is “Walken” but it sounds like “Walk In” and then the popular saying/song of “The Party dont start til I walk in”. Memes are a crazy world, but are you starting to get what a meme is now?
The Stump of Prometheus
Prometheus was the longest living non-clonal organism to have ever been found. It was a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine which grew in Wheeler Peak, Nevada, USA. The tree was estimated to at a minimum 4862 years old, which many estimates giving it an age over 5000. Unfortunately the tree was cut down by a graduate student in 1964. Donald R. Currey was the man who killed this tree while searching for old trees as a project, given the name WPN-114. Prometheus was a member of the bristlecone pine tree family and grew in an area of WHeeler Peak that was reachable only by off-trail hiking. The age was taken by ring count done at a trunk cross section about 8 feet above the original germination point because the rings below this section were missing.
The Cutting of the Tree…
]]>Donald R. Currey was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying the climate dynamics of the Little Ice Age usingdendrochronology techniques. In 1963 he became aware of the bristlecone populations in the Snake Range in general, and on Wheeler Peak in particular. Based on the size, growth rate and growth forms of some of the trees he became convinced that some very old specimens existed on the mountain, cored some of them, and found trees exceeding 3,000 years old. However, Currey was not able to obtain a continuous series of overlapping cores from WPN-114. Here, stories diverge. It is not clear whether Currey requested, or Forest Service personnel suggested, that he cut down and section the tree in lieu of being able to core it. There is also some uncertainty as to why a core sample could not be obtained. One version has it that he broke or lodged his only long increment borer and could not obtain another before the end of the field season, another claims he broke two of them, while another implies that a core sample was too difficult to obtain and also would not provide as much definitive information as a full cross section of the tree would.
Mother day 2011 date is on sunday May 8. Many ask when mothers day 2011 is, and this is the answer. It is a special day for families to celebrate mothers day 2011 by buying presents for their mom.
Do not forget the mothers day 2011 date for your own mother, give her the gift she wants and plan early!
]]>Families celebrate Father’s day 2011 on June 19
When is fathers day 2011 date? To repeat, the date that fathers day 2011 is celebrated is Sunday June 19. Fathers day 2011 date is very special to the Dad’s in the family and 2011 Father’s day will be one for the ages!
]]>The Creepy Professor
Background: A reddit user was assigned a class project to study meme’s and social media on the internet by his professor. What does Reddit do? Of course, they find a picture of the actual professor and make a meme out of him. And the creepy professor was born.
The Ultimate Pokemon Pun Thread
Background: I think the title explains it all.
More after the Jump
Scumbag Steve
Background: Born on Reddit, Scumbag Steve rose to instant popularity, and even to his real identity of Blake Boston. Here is a link to some of the good scumbag steve meme’s